Account Balances
Users can retrieve the current balance of any of their accounts by engaging with Alexa through our skill. Users may request the balance for a specific account or Alexa can guide them through a narrowing down exercise to provide the user with their desired information. Alexa will respond with up to three accounts at a time before asking the user if they would like to hear more. Each account is reported with the account’s nickname*, up to the last four digits of the account number, and the balance.
*Nicknames within online banking may not always be recognized. Therefore, the account nickname should not be used as the primary method of account retrieval. The last four digits of the account number is the preferred search method.
The option is not currently available to change the order in which accounts are read.
Requests and Intents
Requests for balance or transactions are very similar. Users differentiate the two requests by using the correct intent (balance or transactions).
For example: “Alexa, open Midland States Bank and tell me my [balance/recent transactions].”
Users will then be prompted for their Voice PIN. After authentication, if there are multiple accounts linked to the user, Alexa may ask for further specificity (example below). Otherwise, the account balance will be read off immediately.
“Would you like the [balance(s)/transactions] of your Checking or Savings accounts?” Alexa will provide the desired balance information for up to five accounts or three most recent transactions, before asking the user if they would like to hear more.
Recent Transactions
Much like balances, users may also retrieve recent transactions for their accounts. Users must specify an account to hear this data by stating which account or Alexa will narrow down to an account with follow up questions. Alexa will announce up to three recent transactions.
Additional Sample Phrases-Balances
- What is the balance for my savings account?
- What is the balance for my checking account?
- Tell me my balance for the account ending with XXXX.
- What are the transactions for my savings account?
- What are the recent transactions for my checking account?
- Tell me the transactions for my account ending with [insert last four of account number].